How Remote Workers are Transitioning to Coworking Space
The number of remote workers has increased rapidly year after year, especially in the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although at first, many people disagreed with the idea of working online and remotely, the pandemic makes it impossible for most people to work offline, and they eventually started shifting to work remotely.
As the working behavior of remote workers has shifted, coworking spaces are now expected to be the substitute for traditional offices. As a result, Coworking Insights has conducted a survey on remote workers’ behavior to find out what made them choose coworking space as their current place of work.
So here are the top three survey results by Coworking Insights on how remote workers are transitioning to Coworking Space.
1. Flexible Schedule
With the online and remote working system, many people no longer need to race against office hours. It is demonstrated by 73.9% of respondents who revealed that working remotely provides pleasant flexibility for them. Although some people are still working based on regular office hours, they can still enjoy the flexible schedule offered by being remote rather than working in the ‘office’.
Apart from having more flexibility in terms of work, the respondents also admit to having more flexible time maintaining their social lives. 76.3% of respondents stated that they could better grow their relationships with family and friends when working remotely. That way, they feel their mental health is much more stable and taken care of. Also, they notice that they can do their job better.
2. Increase in Productivity
The difference between working from the office and remotely has a significant effect on workers. From the survey conducted by Coworking Insights, 79.7% of respondents stated that they feel more productive when working remotely than in the office. The absence of a boss or superiors around them who could exert excessive pressure in completing their job seems to be one of the main reasons for their productivity boost. The kind of workplace that suits workers’ preferences might affect their work efficiency in performing their job too, even though the amount of workload is the same.
Being remote is also considered quite enjoyable by another survey result which stated 87.1% of respondents who initially disagreed with remote working systems currently, feel like recommending it to their friends or acquaintances. They even admitted that, right now, they can take care of the housework and their pets better than when working from the office.
3. Cost-effective
Working remotely certainly reduces the amount of mobility, such as traveling to and from the office. 50.8% of respondents find that working remotely has reduced their expenses. They no longer need to spend extra money on transport fare to go to the office, or to get lunch, as they now prefer to bring home-cooked food.
Besides all the advantages of working remotely, in fact, it also has some drawbacks, one of them is the feeling of loneliness. Nearly half of the respondents stated that one of the biggest challenges when working remotely is feeling isolated and lonely as much as 46.7%. The habit of working with many colleagues around, which no longer happens when working remotely, might be the reason why.
Therefore, many remote workers started to transition to coworking spaces as one of the alternatives to reduce loneliness while working remotely. A large number of people who use coworking space and the variety of their job industries could increase the sense of community and enthusiasm among the workers. That way, they no longer feel alone because they can work together with people of similar drive and passion.
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Written by Nindya Ardyani (Copywriter at Apiary Coworking Space)